Tuesday 6 November 2012

Hedera helix; Ivy

It is a climbing plant that can reach up to 30 meters tall. I found this ivy in Platt fields park and it has climbed up a fence and the surrounding trees as well as providing ground cover. 

It has aerial rootlets with matted pads that can stick strongly to help it grow upwards and stay attached to things.

The leaves grow to about 100mm long with a 20 mm petiole. They are alternate and cordate and slightly glossy. The fruit comes out in late winter and are purple, black colour and about 6-8mm in diameter. Birds often eat them as little other food is available in winter.

They are very shade tolerant but only stems in sunlight will produce fruit. The fruit has seeds inside which are then transported by birds.

These are the stems all crossing over forming ground cover. If a branch is broken off and placed somewhere else it can grow roots and continue growing separate to its main plant.

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