Wednesday 31 October 2012

Ilex aquifolium; Holly

Holly trees grow to about 15m tall. Sometimes only grow into shrubs but also grow into trees. The leaves and shoots are often eaten by animals in mid winter as little else is green. I found this tree in Platt fields park where the ground was fairly damp and boggy in areas.

The leaves are up to 12cm long and alternate on a stalk. They are very tough and leathery with a waxy surface. This holly tree had variegated leaves. The leaf margins are wavy and spiny. Some of the leaves were much flatter and spineless.

On the inside of the tree where there is less light, the leaves are pale as they do not photosynthesis due to lack of sunlight. This means they grow into a whitey transparent colour.

 It grows fruit which appear as these bright red berries with a stalk and thin fleshy skin. They grow up to 12mm longs.

The bark is smooth and silvery grey in colour with fissures and tubercles appearing with age.

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